Posts tagged extras 101
What should I expect from a shoot day?

Once you get to the location look for the person you are reporting to and sign in- get your release form. Shoot days can be tough. Usually they involve long hours, a lot of standing around, and repeating the same things over and over again - but this doesn't mean they won't be fun! If you’re expected to be working all day, you will usually be fed and watered on location, and the other extras/crew will always be more than happy to talk to you about the shoot. At the end of the day, when the Crowd Marshall lets you know the filming is finished, simply head to the queue to change back into your own clothes and get your release form signed out- it’s that simple!

In addition to the tasks involved during the day, it’s always worth noting what the weather could be like - some shoots are built around being out on a sunny location all day, so it would make sense to bring sunscreen to avoid slow-roasting yourself! In the same token, some shoots could take place at night when the temperature drops significantly - the bottom line is, always be prepared. 

One important thing to remember is our guidelines for working on set: No phones, no photos, No press conversations. These are VERY important guidelines, and not adhering to them could land you in a lot of trouble with the production company, particularly in the case of big movie productions. On some productions, we will ask you to hand in your phones to the Assistant Director, in order to ensure that the guidelines can be followed effectively.

Do I need to come with makeup and hair ready?

The casting team will inform you if the production will be needing you to arrive with our hair and make up ready or if you are to arrive with a clean face and hair ready for the make up and hair artists to create your look.

To help get everybody through the process as quickly and efficiently as possible, you can help the team by wearing a top that opens at the front with buttons or a zip. This way your hair and make up will not be affected when you take off your top to put on your costume. This applies for both males and females.

Is there a medical team on set?

Not all productions are the same, some projects are larger and will have a unit nurse on set, others might not have such facilities. Please always advise the casting department, when we contact you for booking, about any health issues you have that might need attention during filming. On set let the Crowd Marshall know should you need the unit nurse. If you are on medication or have allergies, please ensure that you notify both the Crowd Marshall and unit nurse with details of dosage and of what you are allergic to.

What about food and refreshments?

Not all productions are the same, some offer food and refreshments and some do not. The casting team will inform you upon booking if you need to bring any food with you. When catering is provided then of course there is no need to bring food along (unless you have a particular dietary requirement). As the film crew always eats first, please wait patiently until you are told to go for your meal.