What do I need to complete the form?
To complete your application we need: your Maltese ID or Tax registration number, at least two photos of you and your measurements.
The RIGHT documentation:
In order to be able to work and get paid you must have a Maltese ID card or a Maltese tax registration number. You will also need to upload a copy of your ID card front and back in your application. This information is sent to the accounts department so that they can process your payment. If you can't provide one or the other we are afraid you can't complete the application at this time.
The important things to know for all photos:
REMEMBER: Uploading the correct photos is the difference between working a lot and not getting offered much.
Your image must be either jpeg, jpg, img, png. Photos in heic or pdf are not accepted.
Your image should be portrait and not landscape
Select photos that are a true representation of yourself that have been taken within the last 6 months.
All photos must be in colour, black and white photos will be rejected
Send the highest quality images you can get but please keep the file size under 2mb.
Take photos or pick photos where your background is plain.
Do not send Heavily edit digital photos or supply edited/cropped digital photos or scans of photos. Social media filters are also banned. You pictures need to look as natural as possible.
Do not send tiny photos. If below 500kb it won't be of high enough quality.
Never use photos where you are wearing a hat or sunglasses.
Never use photos with more than one person, it just needs to be you in the picture.
Head shot ( Portrait)
Full length shot
1. Headshot or portrait
2. Full Length Shot
What should I wear?
It’s best to wear plain solid colours, avoid crazy patterns, large logos and trend clothing.
Make sure your outfit is not too baggy so we can clearly see your body shape and frame.
Don’t wear anything too formal or too revealing.
Don’t wear a hat, sunnies, fascinator in your hair, excess jewellery, no face paint or food on kids face or anything else that may impact the director’s ability to see what you look like.
How you should I do my hair and make-up?
• Please style your hair the way you would naturally wear it. For women and girl’s hair down and to the front of the shoulders is best, but feel free to send us additional photos with the hair up.
• Don’t over-style yourself, you want to look as similar as you can to yourself in person.
• Very natural makeup please, no bright lip colours heavy eye shadow etc.
• Guys please have your facial hair as you most often wear it.
The important things about your measurements:
Make sure you use a proper tape measure.
When taking your measurements remove any additional clothing, these add inches to your measurements which are not really yours!
Get someone to help you if you feel you can`t do it by yourself.